"A photograph belongs to the moment it is taken, and simultaneously to a moment that has vanished. It also, in a sense exists in the future, when it is seen for the first time by others after the person who made it has joined the past."
On the move is a series concerning the modern day migration of humans around the globe.
Lee's laws divide factors causing migrations into two groups of factors: push and pull factors. Push factors are things that are unfavourable about the area that one lives in, and pull factors are things that attract one to another area.
Push factors
Not enough jobs, Few opportunities, Inadequate conditions, Desertification, Famine or drought, Political fear or persecution, Slavery or forced labor, Poor medical care, Loss of wealth, Natural disasters, Death threats, Desire for more political or religious freedom, Pollution, Poor housing, Landlord/tenant issues, Bullying, Mentallity, Discrimination, Poor chances of marrying, Condemned housing (radon gas, etc.), War.
Pull factors
Job opportunities, Better living conditions, The feeling of having more political or religious freedom, Enjoyment, Education, Better medical care, Attractive climates, Security, Family links, Industry and Better chances of marrying.